活動訊息:臺灣大學圖書館 3月15日「學數學的女孩們」紀錄片放映暨座談會, 請及早報名!!


臺灣大學圖書館 3月15日「學數學的女孩們」紀錄片放映暨座談會, 敬請及早報名!!

一、閃耀之光《女數學家書展》 3/1~3/31

將於臺灣大學天文數學管二樓數學圖書館展出關於女數學家的相關圖書。讓我們從西元300年的海巴夏(Hypatia)到廿世紀的埃米‧諾特(Emmy Noether)等女數學家身上,看到數學界中傑出的女性是何等地優異超凡。


二、「學數學的女孩們」紀錄片放映暨座談會    3/15(一)  12:00~14:00



地點/日期:臺大天文數學館國際會議廳 2021/3/15(一)12:00~14:00
主辦單位 : 臺大數學系、臺大圖書館、中華民國數學會
聯絡資訊 : 臺大數學系圖書室02-33662812

* 有報名者請於會後領取餐盒
* 因防疫措施敬請提早入場

請點選   名及活動網址 (3/7報名截止)

To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Department’s library launched two events in March

1. The shining light "Female Mathematician Book Fair" 3/1~3/31 will exhibit related books about female mathematicians. From Hypatia in 300 AD to Emmy Noether and other female mathematicians in the 20th century, we can see how outstanding women in mathematics are.

2. "Girls Learning Mathematics" documentary play and Forum 3/15 (Monday) 12:00~14:00

The documentary "Girls Studying Mathematics" will be played in the International Conference Hall.  After the screening, it will be discussed by Maopei Tsui (Dean of Mathematics Department of National Taiwan University), Yingying Li (Professor of Mathematics Department of National Taiwan University and Chairman of the Mathematical Society of the Republic of China), and Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang (Research Fellow at the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica) and Miranda Chih-Ning Cheng  (Professor, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) will have a discussion.


"Girls Studying Mathematics" records the story of two Taiwanese girls chasing mathematics dreams in the 1960s. One is Sun-Yung Alice Chang who teaches at the Department of Mathematics at Princeton University, and the other is Fan Chung who teaches at the Department of Mathematics at the University of California, San Diego. The two are also academicians of the Academia Sinica, with extraordinary achievements and renowned international as models.


Venue/Date: National Conference Hall of Astronomy and Mathematics, National Taiwan University 2021/3/15 (Monday) 12:00~14:00

Organizers: Department of Mathematics of National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University Library, the Mathematical Society of the Republic of China

Contact Information: Department of Mathematics Library of National Taiwan University 02-33662812


* Those who have registered, please pick up the lunch box after the meeting

* Please enter early due to epidemic prevention measures


Please click Registration Website (Registration deadline on 3/7)